The level 3 Diploma in Personal Training includes 2 qualifications, Level 2 Fitness Instructor and Level 3 Personal Trainer. Complete both qualifications back to back at your own pace, and with the massive benefit of 1 to 1 tuition.
Gain all the necessary skills and knowledge to work with clients and help achieve their health and fitness goals. Our 1 to 1 Personal Trainer Diploma course will help you Learn how to deliver one to one Personal Training sessions, give nutritional advice, and utilise up to date fitness testing equipment. Analyse your client's eating habits and build their workout programme around your new found knowledge and skills. Once you have successfully completed the course, you will be awarded a Focus Awards 2 Fitness Instructor qualification and Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training
Advanced anatomy and physiology
Advanced C.V. training methods
Advanced resistance training methods
Movement Screening
Functional core stability training
Plyometric and motor skill development
Pnf stretching
Nutritional basis of healthy eating
Health and Safety
Principles of Exercise
Anatomy and physiology (Theory Papers)
Principles of Exercise (Theory Paper)
Health and Safety (Worksheet)
Supporting Clients (Worksheet)
Planning a physical activity session (Practical Assessment)
Delivering a physical activity session (Practical Assessment)
Anatomy and Physiology (Theory Paper)
Nutrition (Theory Paper)
Personal Training (Practical Assessment)
Personal Trainer 8 week case-study
Some experience of gym-based exercises, including free weights, is highly recommended
The course requires physical exertion and individual participation is essential; therefore, a degree of physical fitness is necessary
There is also an element of communication (discussing, presenting, reading and writing) involved and learners should have basic skills in communication pitched at level 2
0% Payment options spread over a maximum of 18 months available, contact us for more options
Flexible​​ - The minimum requirement for The level 2 Fitness Instructor is 4 full days. The level 3 Personal Trainer requires 6 full days. These days can obviously be split up to suit your needs, and can be on weekends or evenings if required
Start right away, no need to wait for a course date.
Our 1 to 1 Tuition Level 3 Personal Trainer Diploma qualification is fully accredited and nationally recognised by Focus Awards.
The aim of the qualification is to train learners to a professionally competent level, enabling them to prescribe, plan and deliver safe and effective exercise programmes developing their skills knowledge to pursue a career in personal training.
The course will start with the Fitness Instructor Level 2 followed by Level 3 Personal Trainer. There is a requirement to complete some of the learning at home which will be discussed with your personal tutor.
Learn on your terms
Qualify in your own time
Start whenever you like
Perfect for work life balance